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Thursday, 21 October 2010

Remember, remember...

"Remember, remember the 5th of November...". Bonfire night is now only around the corner. The capital has plenty of fireworks displays on during that weekend (5/11 - 7/11) all over London. Many have funfairs and sell food, but only some of them will sell and/or permit you bringing alcohol. Some displays are free, but most charge about £6. 

Clapham Common hosts one of the biggest displays in town and it's FREE! The main fireworks display will start at 19:30 on the 5th November (please note that Clapham Common station is closed between 18.30 - 21:00). 

The history of Guy Fawkes
Admittedly, the roots of Guy Fawkes aren’t as innocent as this lighthearted revelry implies. As a commemoration of a failed attempt to blow up Parliament, the night remembers a rather sombre occasion. 
On November 5 1605, rebel Catholic soldiers demonstrated their dissent to the then anti-Catholic James I by planning to detonate 36 barrels of gunpowder under the House of Lords. The anti-Protestant Guy Fawkes, who was hired to carry out the plot, was caught with the gunpowder and his capture (and subsequent torture and execution) quickly became an annual source of Protestant celebration – hence, mocking up a Guy Fawkes to burn on the bonfire. 
While the questionable religious sentiment behind the day has all but fizzled out, what we’re left with is a sparkly, traditional evening that’s purely about chomping on a sausage, warming your mitts on a hot drink and enjoying the colourful spectacle. 

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